Monday, May 18, 2009

The Greatest Love of All

While flipping through the Pastoral Care booklet, I was astonished to see the definition of what love is not:

"If the feeling for each other is not mutual, it is not love."

When did love become so calculative? That we expect to be loved before we can love? Didn't one realise that the word 'EXPECTATION' is the root cause of all relationship problems?

"I expect you to buy me..."
"I expect you to be by my side when I need you."
"I expect you to care for me more than you for others."

That is why the greatest love of all is so desired: Unconditional love. Unconditional love is so desired simply because without any expectation, bad feelings such as anger, resentments and jealousy are gone. It is so wanted for the plain reason that without any expectation, any sweet response from your loved ones has its effects multiplied many folds.

That you carry on loving even when the rewards and incentives are minimal, zilch or even negative. That you can keep giving for the ones you love without expecting anything back in return. That seeing your love ones being happy derives more happiness than if you yourself were the one receiving it.

Simply because, you choose to love the person for who he/she is, and not how he/she treats you.

Man is full of flaws and is probably incapable of achieving the feat of unconditional love. As dear Beatrice puts it, only God is capable of doing so. However, this gives us no excuse for not trying. And the quote from Mother Teresa on my bookmark sums up the belief we should possess:

"Do not be afraid of loving to the point of sacrifice, until it hurts."

Ouch. Sweet sensation.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

It's not easy being a director in any X-Men film. The difficulty lies in making the plot fool-proof, since with so many special powers on display, situations can be simplified immensely.

Just take for example: Evil Colonel Stryker does not even have to take the whole trouble and long plot to trick Wolverine into the experiment of having adamantium injected into his skeletal frame. With the special power of hypnotism by Silverfox, she can easily touch and convince Wolverine to go for the experiment! John Wraith can also easily teleport himself from place to place, so why the trouble to ride a motorbike?

It's a good movie still and worth a three and a half popcorns rating from me!

As usual, it's always a good topic amongst friends to discuss what special power one would like to inherit after watching X-Men. Haha, Javen and I share the same power, which is to become the fastest man on earth (See the paradox here?), earn loads of money from SNOC by winning some medals in the Olympics, win all the sprinting events organised by IAAF, pass 50% of the winnings to my parents, move to a third world country to retire and serve and donate the rest to voluntary organisations all over the world!

They should produce "X-Men Origins: Akash and Javen". Hope it will be a box office hit. Fingers crossed.

Friday, May 01, 2009

The Invisible Gardener

Stanley asked, "What is the difference between a silent, invisible, intangible gardener and no gardener at all?"

"Easy, one looks after gardens. The other does not." replied Livingston.

Source: 'Theology and Falsification' by Anthony Flew

This exchange aptly describes the case with God. Many of us have never experienced God (literally) in our lives. Not that He will come into your room one night and tell you, "My child, let's have a good talk tonight."

Sometimes I really wish He could guide me. Tell me whether the things that I have done are right or wrong. Whether the journey that I am embarking on is the real path that He has laid down for me.

My faith in His presence was at the lowest when serving in India. When I saw a young girl begging for alms in the middle of the road and day with temperature reaching 41 degrees Celcius, struggling from car to car and with no footwear on, I doubted the presence of God. When I hear stories of 12-14 year old girls who got imprisoned, gang-raped over and over again, so that they would finally succumb to the pimps and become child prostitutes, I wonder where God went to. Why did You allow all these sufferrings? Faith was the thing that I needed most then, but faith was wavering and severely tested too.

Support of a religious outfit will do well then, but I refused to heed the advice of pastors and friends before embarking on these trips.

It took me years to find the answer. Credits go to messengers of God whom I met along the way, who guided me into reaching a peaceful conclusion. Probably I was expecting miracles, that God will, in His booming voice, stop the atrocities that the pimps were committing and punish those involved.

However, on retrospect, God did appear in front of me, albeit in the least expected places: Beside the death bed of a stranger and in a train compartment.

When a few volunteers were gathering by the bedside of a dying man put up in one of Mother Teresa's homes, accompanying the man on his last moments before his passing from tuberculosis, I could witness a deep sense of serenity and peace within him. He was struggling with his breathing, but he did not panic. Tears flowed freely from his eyes, but it was not tears of pain or sadness, but tears of joy and gratitude that there was a group of people who would still hold his hand, stroke his head and accompany him on his last journey on earth. Probably he found God in the image of the volunteers. Death was not a scary aspect for him. Death was beautiful then, for it was home-coming for this man.

When I was stranded on a train alone in a foreign land, not being able to ask for directions due to language differences, God appeared in the image of a government official who was seated next to me, spoke fluent English and was heading in the same direction as mine. To add icing to the cake, he was important enough in the ministry to have a personal chaeffeur who would bring me to my exact location thereafter.

God is beside us all the time. We just need to find a little time, moderate positive thinking and a huge dose of faith to spot Him. The garden is well-tended to afterall.