Monday, May 18, 2009

The Greatest Love of All

While flipping through the Pastoral Care booklet, I was astonished to see the definition of what love is not:

"If the feeling for each other is not mutual, it is not love."

When did love become so calculative? That we expect to be loved before we can love? Didn't one realise that the word 'EXPECTATION' is the root cause of all relationship problems?

"I expect you to buy me..."
"I expect you to be by my side when I need you."
"I expect you to care for me more than you for others."

That is why the greatest love of all is so desired: Unconditional love. Unconditional love is so desired simply because without any expectation, bad feelings such as anger, resentments and jealousy are gone. It is so wanted for the plain reason that without any expectation, any sweet response from your loved ones has its effects multiplied many folds.

That you carry on loving even when the rewards and incentives are minimal, zilch or even negative. That you can keep giving for the ones you love without expecting anything back in return. That seeing your love ones being happy derives more happiness than if you yourself were the one receiving it.

Simply because, you choose to love the person for who he/she is, and not how he/she treats you.

Man is full of flaws and is probably incapable of achieving the feat of unconditional love. As dear Beatrice puts it, only God is capable of doing so. However, this gives us no excuse for not trying. And the quote from Mother Teresa on my bookmark sums up the belief we should possess:

"Do not be afraid of loving to the point of sacrifice, until it hurts."

Ouch. Sweet sensation.